Star Wars 7: what do we know about villain Kylo Ren? - The Week UK

Actor Adam Driver has remained tight-lipped about his role as villain Kylo Ren in Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens, but director JJ Abrams has offered some juicy details about the character, pushing fan theories into overdrive. Behind the mask Following the release of the second trailer, fans immediately pointed out similarities between Kylo's mask and that of Darth Vader. "The movie explains the origins of the mask and where it's from, but the design was meant to be a nod to the Vader mask," Abrams told Entertainment Weekly. Kylo Ren is not the character's real name, Abrams revealed. Ren, it appears, is the surname given to members of the Knights of Ren, which keen observers will note is not too dissimilar from the idea of Sith Lords taking on Darth as a title. Ren's real name remains one of The Force Awakens' big mysteries. One observer on Reddit believes Ren will turn out to be the son of Hans and Leia Solo, while HitFix thinks that he could in fact be Revan from the Star Wars computer game series 'Knights of the Old Republic'. The director also touched on Ren's origins, claiming they were not too dissimilar from Luke Skywalker's in A New Hope. Abrams hinted at something similar for Ren, saying: "I think that what makes Ren so unique is that he isn't as fully formed as when we meet a character such as Darth Vader. Source: