Grizzled Vets back for 30th Big Sur marathon - The Salinas Californian

Of the nearly 10,000 runners in seven different racing categories who will be part of the Big Sur International Marathon presentation Saturday and Sunday, none can match the blisters and perseverance of those who have survived all 29 of the... The BSIM celebrates its 30th anniversary Sunday, and from the orginial 1986 field of about 1,800 runners, 15 will return for the 30th time to make their annual trek up Highway 1 from Big Sur Station — the visitor center and ranger station operated... For some of these diehards who have braved mudslides, road closures, headwinds, hail and rain, this BSIM could be their last. “Thirty is a nice round number,’’ said Grizzled Vet Bob Utley. Hampered by a bad hip, he hobbled his way up the 560-foot climb at Hurricane Point, continued along the twisting, turning coastal highway, but was unable to reach the 22-mile mark in the mandatory five hours. The marathon starts at 6:45 a. m. Highway 1 re-opens to traffic at 1 p. m. To make sure deadlines are met, runners must be at the 22-mile mark by high noon. About 10 years ago one of them ran the marathon needing crutches while recovering from a broken leg. Steve Radigan of Fremont is not only a BSIM Grizzled Vet — the nickname this group was tagged with several years ago — but he’s also run. Source: