Farm life is happy life - Bend Bulletin

-- returnText2 = Walking onto the Klann’s Prineville Farm, is like stepping back into history, and indeed it is family history for Eric Klann, who’s family originally came over the Oregon Trail to homestead land in Central Oregon. On this sunny summer day, the old farm is buzzing with activity, with a small herd of cattle grazing in the pasture, a horse braying in the barn, chickens clucking in their coop, bees making honey in their hives and children laughing. Klann’s children — 4-year-old Emmett and 6-year-old Eleanor — are growing up much like he did decades ago. “My children are eighth generation Oregonians,” says Eric proudly as he watches his daughter, clad in red cowboy boots, leading the family horse with his son atop, riding bareback. Eric inherited the 7-acre property and white clapboard home from his father who built the entire 4,350-square-foot abode. “I have always loved Eric’s family home, we were actually married here in the backyard,” said Sarah, pointing to the lush green lawn near the vegetable garden and barn. “But when we inherited this home a few years ago, some things weren’t exactly up to today’s codes. Sarah and Eric both wanted to modernize the home and make it durable, carefree and livable for the entire family. With almost all of the indoor action happening in the kitchen, Sarah wanted this family gathering area to be the great room where she could clearly see the children playing in the living room or in the dinning room while she cooked meals. Source: