Investigation into West Haven shop teacher deepens - New Haven Register

A Ford F250 4x4 Off-Road pickup truck that the West Haven Board of Education bought with Carl D. Perkins technology grant funds was parked Friday behind a locked gate at West Haven High School’s Ken Strong Stadium following the retirement of... As Grant retires, West Haven has been denied a Perkins grant for the current year, the state Department of Education, which disburses the federally funded Perkins grants, has begun an audit of the West Haven’s use of the grant and a separate... But others were for what Grant in mileage logs called “curriculum-related” or “curricula research” trips to sites in various parts of the state, including a construction project in Stamford, Mystic Seaport, a state Department of Energy and... When asked how he could have so much in mileage reimbursements when he had a district vehicle with a city gas card, Grant told schools business manager Matt Cavallaro “that he has other cars and he doesn’t always use the city truck, and some of... Source: