SETI Institute scientists present at IAU General Assembly 2015 - SETI Institute

Progress in Identifying Fe I Level Energies and Lines from Stellar Spectra. Peterson & Kurucz (2015, ApJS, 216, 1) reported the first results from a new approach, one which uses the spectra of sharp-lined stars of near-solar temperature to identify level energies. By matching predicted to observed stellar line wavelengths and strengths transition by transition, the upper energies of 66 Fe I levels were established. Many new levels are at higher energies than can be determined in the laboratory, including several that lie above the Fe I ionization energy. However, many more unidentified levels remain, especially those levels whose strongest lines fall in wavelength regions where stellar data is marginal or missing. Checking for Energetic Flares on Old Halo K Dwarfs with Kepler 2. Abstract Body: This talk describes the unique opportunity offered by Kepler 2 (K2) observations of halo fields to establish whether energetic flaring occurs on stars so old that any... Source: