Meet the Twins Behind the Bruce Rauner and John Kasich Campaigns -

The tale of two Schrimpfs—Mike and Chris of Cincinnati—is one of those. Mike first: Ever since Bruce Rauner launched his unlikely campaign for governor by saturating the brains of Illinois voters with his annoying slogans, “Shake up Springfield” and “Bring Back Illinois,” Mike Schrimpf has been at Rauner’s side as the... My first on-the-record interviews with the unknown Rauner, just at the time he jumped in the race in June 2013 , were arranged with Mike’s help. He turned thumbs down on an interview I had requested directly from the boss’s wife, Diana Rauner, who wrote me in an email in April, “I think Mike is arranging a time for us to get together. I look forward to it. ”. Mike did nothing of the kind and he let me know that all interview requests must go through him: a dead end. A couple of weeks later, he was furious over a piece I wrote for Chicago , “ Meet Mitt Rauner : Why the Illinois gubernatorial race is looking increasingly like Obama-Romney revisited. ” Mike described it as a “caricature. ” When the—I think—meticulously fair profile I wrote of the candidate —“ Will The Real Bruce Rauner Please Stand Up. “—appeared shortly before the November, 2014 election, Mike Shrimpf put me on the equivalent of the enemy’s list and none of my... That’s when I received a short response to an email I wrote Mike seeking to learn more about his twin brother. Source: