Glen A. Larson, By His Command No one is perfect, but we can't ignore the positive - Airlock Alpha

Considering there’s so much evidence out there of it, it’s probably not a big surprise that Glen A. Larson has not been one of my favorite people over the past decade or so. His opposition to the SciFi Channel reboot of “Battlestar Galactica”... Yet, looking back at the life of Larson, there is so much we as fans should thank him for, starting with “Battlestar Galactica. The series premiered in 1978, when I was just 2. I would not even know about it until I was almost a teenager, and by then, it was only the basic premise. But I remember “Knight Rider. ” Boy, do I remember “Knight Rider. I remember “The Incredible Hulk,” “The A-Team,” and of course my favorite show at the time, “The Dukes of Hazzard. “Knight Rider” was an amazing show that I was completely convinced when I was 6 and 7 was absolutely real. I remember one day we were in a nearby town, and I was sitting in the car waiting for my mom to run some errands. Source: