Ultimate Adventure 2015 Is Summer Camp for 4x4 Fiends - Four Wheeler Network

In Ultimate Adventure 2015 Appalachian Summer Camp, Part 1, we told you a little about our annual off-road event. With a "summer camp for dirt heads" atmosphere, the adventure is guided by our own head camp counselor, Rick Péwé. On road days we travel mostly on paved routes, but we are ready to expect anything because dirt roads can be shortcuts. Trail days mean the group had better be ready to tackle off-road trails in rock, mud, trees, or sand. In this story we catch up with the group starting on Day 4, our second road day, where we racked up some pretty serious miles exploring the Appalachian Mountains between Harlan, Kentucky, and destinations unknown. Day 4: Second Road Day. Waking up in the beautiful fog-lined hills in camp near Harlan County, Kentucky, for the second morning meant it was time to get ready for our second road day. Gambling types would bet that we would see time on a ferry (Péwé has a thing for finding and riding ferries across bodies of water) and maybe even hit a trail or two (if not an off-road park). Source: www.fourwheeler.com