Class vs. Culture: Reframing Political Struggle - CounterPunch

On August 8, 2015, activists associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement disrupted a speech by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the Democratic Party presidential candidate, at a public rally in Seattle, WA. Sanders was to speak on Social Security reform, but BLM activists demanded a 4-and-1/2 minute moment of silence to honor the 1-year anniversary... The Seattle showdown followed a similar disruption by BLM activists of a Sanders’ speech in July at the Netroots Nation conference in Phoenix, AZ. These incidents illuminate a fundamental split within the broadly conceived progressive movement, a... The site focuses on eight issues, five on bread-and-butter concerns (i. e. , wealth inequality, decent jobs, living wage, Wall Street reform and getting money out of politics) while three address values issues (i. e. , racial justice, family... Over the last half-century, the U. S. has been witness two distinct, if parallel, domains of political conflict, one involving economic opportunity (e. g. , jobs, wages, inequality), the other engaging social or cultural relations (e. g. , race,... Source: