Red Truck Bakery prepared for growth in Marshall - Fauquier Now

The Red Truck Bakery in Warrenton turns away a lot of business. Brian Noyes, Red Truck’s art-director-turned-food-entrepreneur/owner, reluctantly had to decline that potentially lucrative order. His 400-square-foot kitchen, in the converted garage bay of a tiny, former gas station in Old Town Warrenton, simply couldn’t handle it. Each year recently, Mr. Noyes has cut off Christmas orders around Dec. All of that will begin to change in September, when the Red Truck Bakery moves its production kitchen to freshly-renovated, side-by-side, connected buildings on Marshall’s Main Street. Red Truck, which moved from Mr. Noyes’ farmhouse kitchen near Orlean to the old Waterloo Street gas station in 2009, will have a loading dock and a dedicated shipping area. “We want to get it set up to handle the business that comes in by the Internet,” Mr. Noyes explained Wednesday as he checked finishing details of the space that formerly housed the Old Salem Cafe. But, the new Red Truck also has seating for 40, a large retail display area, a pair of handicapped-accessible restrooms and four sidewalk benches, flanking two front doors. “I kind of wanted the same apothecary feel,” said Mr. Noyes, 58. Source: