Everything to be going, going ... gone in SkipperLiner auction - La Crosse Tribune

Bidders on SkipperLiner’s assets and equipment might be able to snag a bucket of nuts and bolts for a starting bid as little as five bucks, or a running 1994 Ford F350 pickup truck, with a V-8 gas engine, dual rear wheels and hitch with a mere... Two 40-inch round by 48-inch long rolls of bubble wrap, starting at $5 Cincinnati 10-foot hydraulic press brake, $1,000 Mustang, model 940 "E-Series" skid steer, $500 Buoys and fenders of all sizes and shapes, $5 Fish finders, new and used, $5 and... Click here for information on leasing office or warehouse space in the SkipperLiner building. SkipperLiner ran aground when demand for its yachts dried up during the recession, and owner Noel Jordan closed it in April 2010. Entrepreneur Jeb Griffith tossed the company a lifeline when he bought it from Jordan six months later and operated... In addition to the equipment and assets, the SkipperLiner headquarters at 127 Marina Drive are on the market — for leasing of office and warehouse space at $5 to $12 a square foot. A representative of the real estate firm handling the leasing of 12,355 square feet of office space and 39,206 square feet of warehouse space declined to comment Thursday. Source: lacrossetribune.com