Mouse Free: Mouse Repelling Undercarriage Lubricant - Tech and How To - TruckTrend Magazine

Despite the fact that they have many natural predators, their population flourishes each year, mainly due to the frequency of their litters, up to 10 a year. That means, one female mouse can produce up to 150 mice each year. The underside of your RV is perforated with many holes to accommodate water plumbing, electrical wiring, and gas pipes. One of the worst aspects of a mice infestation is the damage they can do to electrical wiring, conduits, and plastic plumbing lines. In addition to chewing everything in sight, mice create up to 100 tiny droppings per day as well as constantly leaking tiny droplets of urine as they travel around their home—your RV. Unfortunately, they may also carry parasites and up to 200... Disease may be transmitted via mouse bites, insects like mosquitos and fleas, contamination from fresh or dried droppings and urine, and a contaminated water system. There are very few products on the market for just this, but only one specifically made for RVs: Mouse Free. Mouse Free uses the mouse’s delicate sense of smell against it, using a formula of natural oils that overwhelm a mouse’s olfactory sense and repel it. It has a high concentration of menthol (an organic compound made from corn mint, peppermint, and... Source: