Trophy Club man arrested on 8th DWI charge - Fort Worth Star Telegram

After sentencing Harold “Mickey” Moore to four years in prison in 2006 on his seventh DWI conviction, state District Judge George Gallagher issued a stern warning. “You are not going to drink again,” Gallagher told Moore, then 59. “You are not going to drink again. The judge ordered Moore to undergo alcohol treatment in prison and go through another treatment program when he got out. He also imposed 10 years of probation to make sure Moore remained on the radar once he was released. The prosecutor remarked at the time that Moore was a lucky man and called the sentence “truly a gift” for someone on his seventh DWI. Last month, a Tarrant County grand jury indicted Moore, now 68, on his eighth DWI charge. Prosecutors have also filed a petition to revoke Moore’s probation, which could mean an additional 10-year prison sentence. During a jailhouse visit Wednesday at the Lon Evans Correctional Facility in Fort Worth, Moore expressed disappointment that his latest DWI charge would once again make headlines. Source: