I think I will try a cow - Black Hills Pioneer

His mom made him wear a button-down shirt and Western boots when all of the other boys were wearing T-shirts and tennis shoes. A large and loud bully, full of swagger, said the wrong thing at the wrong time, and this kid turned and erupted. Slim put him on the floor and had to be pulled off of the bigger kid before he did permanent damage. It is archery antelope season and like the boy in the story, bucks that have been bullied for years are just waiting for an excuse to get even or spread the punishment. Smart hunters know how to take advantage of that rage and have developed a number of costumes, and 3-D silhouettes that provoke a raging pronghorn attack. The antelope is the penguin of the prairie, his black mask, tall horn top-hat, white shirt, and camel hair jacket make it look like he is dressed for the masquerade ball at all times. A huge South Dakota prairie buck might weigh in at 130 pounds. The dominant buck will chase and attempt to gore any subordinate buck that strays too close to his herd. Younger bucks spend all of their time waiting in the wings for a doe to come into heat and then dive in, cut her out of the herd,. Source: www.bhpioneer.com