Rancho Mirage street racing suspects plead not guilty - The Desert Sun

Defendants in a fatal street racing case pleaded not guilty to charges of second-degree murder Monday moments before their attorneys argued with the prosecution about whether the two men were flight risks. Riverside County Deputy District Attorney Daniel Fox argued that Wade Wheeler and Scott Bahls be held in lieu of $1 million bail, which is standard for a second-degree murder charge. But their attorneys argued that neither defendant has been a problem since the fatal collision on June 18, 2013 in Rancho Mirage and they've made every court appearance since then. Attorney Stephanie Arache, who represents Bahls, said, "There's been no change in the facts of this case. Wheeler and Bahls are accused of racing their BMWs east on Highway 111 before Wheeler crashed into a westbound Ford Focus that was turning south onto Dunes View Road. The Ford rolled over several times. Its passenger, Barbara Schmitz, 81, died and her husband, Gerald Schmitz, suffered major injuries that left him hospitalized for weeks. Wheeler was taken to a hospital for a leg injury, but Bahls is accused of fleeing after stopping briefly at the scene. Source: www.desertsun.com