Developing the Cure for Corporate Welfare - Next City

The rest comes mostly from an annual fundraiser that brings in about $100,000. Contrast that with General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, General Electric, Boeing, Amazon and 42 other companies that received more than $100 million each in state or local... “The most important of it is the growing mountain of evidence that the best and more important economic development comes from locally owned business. Shuman has written four books on local economies, most recently The Local Economy Solution, which came out in June. “What I was responding to this time was how there were many groups who are doing good work on local economies, and their first impulse is to try and go out and raise foundation money to support their work, while many economic development... Beginning about eight years ago, Shuman and his colleagues began compiling data on statewide economic development programs in the U. S. Choosing 15 states, largely rural given a secondary focus on food systems, they analyzed the three largest... Of the 45 programs they studied, 26 were giving less than 25 percent of their incentives to local businesses. Source: