MOVIE REVIEW: 'Terminator Genisys' - Monitor

There is a 1994 “Treehouse of Horror” episode of “The Simpsons” which includes a segment entitled “Time and Punishment,” based on the Ray Bradbury story, “A Sound of Thunder,” in which Homer Simpson explores the delicate Butterfly Effect of... As Homer and his quantum toaster leap back and forth through time in an effort to return home, his general clumsiness leads to increasingly bizarre alternate realities (a world where Ned Flanders is ruler, a world with doughnut rain) until he... In “Terminator Genisys,” I wonder if the magic bauble used to ferret humans and humanoids of the near future is another one of those quantum toasters, placed above the launching pad where you levitate naked before being sent back to a year in... They are erasing their own existence simply by getting to one point before the others, some of whom know they are in the race, others do not. In 2017, Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) and the leader of the Resistance against the Machines, John Connor (Jason Clarke), are engaged in a final battle against the Apple Corporation … or Skynet … or the Genisys Project. Source: