Hot Air Balloons Caught In Wind Storm Drag GM SUV Across Field - GM Authority (blog)

You ever hear the one about the Chevrolet Suburban and the windstorm. It might sound like the beginning of a joke knocking the 5,000+ lb SUV for its bulk, but it’s actually a true story that recently befell a group of hot air balloonists attending Balloonfest in Waterford, WI, according to Autoblog. A freak storm suddenly lashed the area and sent hot air balloons up into the sky, including one that was propelled enough to drag what looks like a GMC Suburban through a field headlong into a group of tents. Then suddenly, a balloon zooms across the field, snagging what looks to be a Chevrolet Suburban / Yukon XL and sending it flying across the field into a collection of tents at the edge of the staging area where balloons were on display for... Source: