Letter: Climate change is real - INFORUM

This month the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to issue a final rule, known as the Clean Power Plan, which requires that states develop plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from existing fossil fuel-fired power plants by 2030. The... The plan provides North Dakota the flexibility we need to develop our own plan that plays to our state’s specific economic strengths in order to achieve both economic growth and carbon pollution reductions. If the final EPA rule remains similar to the proposed rule released last year, North Dakota will need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants by 11 percent by 2030. This would be less than any other state in the nation: Montana – 21... By retrofitting our coal plants to increase efficiency, by helping residential and commercial building owners implement energy efficiency measures, and by expanding wind and solar power, this is achievable. The largest job gains will occur in construction and manufacturing sectors related to investment in energy efficiency and renewable power generation. The majority of job losses will occur in coal mining, coal-fired electric power generation and the rail transportation sector. Source: www.inforum.com