Mugen Like It's 1984 - Speedhunters (blog)
If it were mine I would leave it alone too, because the prototype Mugen CRX is a time capsule, and we were very lucky to see it that day. Keith Charvonia. Managing Director: Rob Bullough. Editor in Chief: Peter Kelly. Senior Editor: Dino Dalle Carbonare. Editors at Large: Larry Chen, Bryn Musselwhite. News Editor: Mike Garrett. Technical Editor: Keith Charvonia. Associate Editors: Otis Blank, Alok Paleri. Builders-Drivers: Fredric Aasbø, Mattias Ekström, Vaughn Gittin Jr, Kei Miura, Charles Ng, Peter Pentell, Edward Sandström, Mad Mike Whiddett. Source: