Why Americans Are Buying More Imported Cars Than Ever Before - The Cheat Sheet

The auto market is a sort of bellwether for the import-export health overall. Per the Detroit News, autos — including vehicles, parts, and engines — accounted for more than one-third of the trade deficit. The import-export deficit is defined by the difference between the dollar amount that the country imports, versus what it exports. import more than you export, you have a trade deficit. auto imports rose to $29. 8 billion, according to the U. S. Census Bureau. exports of autos, meanwhile, are down by $3 billion in the first half of the year, to $74. 8 billion. auto exports hugged the flatline in June at $12. 6 billion, up just $62 million according to the Bureau (via Detroit News). Imports handily outpaced the rate of exports — $10. 8 billion to $171. 5 billion through June, for autos alone. Source: www.cheatsheet.com