Experiencing the $8000 Honda Hybrid You Can't Drive - Motor Trend

The Civic Hybrid and Accord Plug-In Hybrid may have been discontinued , but Honda's got another hybrid that’s only $8,000. There's just one catch, you can't drive it in the traditional sense -- you blow snow with it. At a recent 2016 Honda Accord... When I had a chance to test the HS1336i, the flagship model of Honda's snow blower lineup and the least expensive new Honda hybrid I'll ever use, I jumped at the opportunity. The hybrid snow blower, which we tested on sawdust since San Diego doesn't see much snow in late July, is louder than any Honda hybrid you can drive, but Honda says the hybrid powertrain actually helps lower noise as well as reduce emissions. The HS1336i is a little more like the six-cylinder Honda Accord Hybrid of the mid-2000s, with performance still a high priority. Customers with heavy-duty snow-plowing needs may be well-served by this flagship model, whose hybrid powertrain helps propel the track system and is said to enhance performance when you're using it up a hill, loading it on a ramp or truck, plowing... Source: wot.motortrend.com