More Production Delays for Reborn Honda NSX Hybrid - Gas 2.0

The most recent “official” production date schedule had the first customer NSXs rolling off the line this fall, but there’s been some bad news: Acura is delaying production until spring of 2016. Acura and Honda officials are citing the change from... If you’re reading between the lines of that last paragraph, you might notice that I’m not buying Honda’s official story for the NSX’s continued delays. Whether you believe Honda’s reasons or not is up to you, but we’d love to hear your take on the never-ending Honda NSX production delays in the comments section at the bottom of the page. In the meantime, Jon Ikeda, Acura VP and general manager, has announced that he will hold a dealer conference “sometime in October” to answer that question for anxious dealers, who will now have to wait until the 2017 model year to start cashing... Source: