Online Marketing Basics: Website Creation - Acupuncture Today

When you are evaluating and comparing various website companies or individuals, the first things you need to realize is that not all websites are created equal. Website programmers/designers and graphic artists can both build you a website. Remember to ask about their skill level and know what it is you are asking for. Not every website build includes on page SEO and almost all of them charge more for copy writing or content creation. For example, if you hire a database programmer to build a website, but in your mind you envisioned them having a creative and artistic flare, most likely you will be disappointed. It isn't that they won't be able to build you a very good functioning website based on their skill level. " What you feel you asked for was a website designer who could capture the artist meaning of your words. You asked for a website, they provided you a website. If you want the best converting website, it should have elements of these five areas. Element One. Source: