The iPod Shuffle: DJ Honda And Mos Def's 'Travellin' Man' - UPROXX

Legend has it that if you listen closely to the sound of the train whistling down the tracks in the middle of the night, you can hear the screams of a thousand widows who waved goodbye to their soldiers one last time. Knowing all too well what can happen while living life on the road, Mos Def and DJ Honda created one of the most honest and captivating journeyman anthems ever for the “Travellin’ Man,” originally released in 1998 on the DJ’s HII album. Whether by bike, train, plane or boat, spending any amount of time away from your loved ones will guarantee that this song touches a sensitive place in your chest. Sometimes the best stories come from new friends in new places because we know that tomorrow we will be on another plane, to another city and may never see these friends again. Whether it’s time for a brew, a Backwood or a blowj… well, whatever your homely routine consist of, nothing feels better than settling in with some old vices. DJ Honda should be more ubiquitous after joints like this but instead, his name pops up in conspicuous settings but always next to heavyweights. Source: