Family Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against a Trailer Manufacturer After ... - Houston Press

The next time his phone would ring, though, around 6 the next morning, Kathy was in trouble. A 40-foot-long trailer had pulled out from a driveway into the middle of the road as Kathy approached an intersection. Not seeing the trailer's thin strips of reflectors on the sunless morning, Kathy didn't notice the flatbed and didn't brake until her car was headed straight underneath it. Though she was only going about 35 mph, the trailer ripped through her... For 131 days afterward, 54-year-old Kathy never regained consciousness. Kathy's family and their lawyers believe the accident was entirely preventable—and so this week, they filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the trailer's manufacturer, PJ Trailers. In the lawsuit, they accuse the manufacturer of releasing a defectively designed product onto the market, violating Texas's products liability laws. The trailer didn't have any side guards that would have prevented Kathryn's car from going underneath it. Only rear guards are a required regulation right now, not side guards—but the National Highway Safety Bureau has been recommending them since... “That's the problem that's been going on year after year,” said attorney Steve Fernelius, who is representing Kathryn's family. Source: