Mad Max With Go-Karts is Just as Gnarly as You Think it is - Hot Rod Network

Devin Graham, a short film maker who found massive success by producing epic short films on YouTube, like this video of the world's largest rope swing. These days he's continuing the madness with some of these sponsored projects, bringing his unique and wildly creative mind to bring us YouTube-addicts without feeling too "paid for by GenericElectronicCompanyLLC. " This live-stunt go-kart Mad Max recreation is the perfect example, produced for Warner Brother's Games for the new Mad Max videogame. Absurd doesn't even begin to describe this Dodge-Ram-turned-War-Rig-versus-Skull-Boys-in-Go-Kart madness, with a mass of custom-built go-karts swarming through the desert at relatively low speeds, it appears, but with all of the intensity of the... Source: