What pushed Tammy Meyers' killing into the national spotlight? - Las Vegas Review-Journal

The topsy-turvy narrative of Tammy Meyers’ slaying has generated more questions than answers. And those questions, along with the sense of mystery they evoked, are what drew national news networks to the Las Vegas Valley to report the story, experts suggest. 14, two days after police said she was shot down after a near collision in which the other driver threatened the mother and her 15-year-old daughter. Police called it road rage, but details revealed since 911 was called show the killing is more complicated. Then ABC, CNN, NBC and others jumped in. So what’s so fascinating about the Meyers story. Experts boil it down to this: Labeling it road rage, then following every twist and turn in the growing story, often with the drama unfolding on camera. The Meyers family has been easily accessible to reporters since the Feb. “When we think of crime, it’s the stranger incident we’re afraid of,” Sousa said Friday. The Meyers family knows the shooting suspect. He lives a block away from the Meyers, right around the corner from where Tammy Meyers was shot in the head. Roberts Meyers’ said his wife used to spend time with Nowsch , counseling him and giving him food and money. Source: www.reviewjournal.com