A fiendish stupidity - Socialist Worker Online

WATCHING THE Republican presidential primary debate last week, I was reminded of the words of German filmmaker Werner Herzog. It is a kind of bottomless stupidity, a fiendish stupidity. Herzog was talking about chickens , but--at the expense of insulting inhabitants of barnyards everywhere--his description fits Donald Trump like a glove. During the course of two hours, the billionaire reality TV star swaggered and menaced his way through the first debate of the long, long. long, long, long. It was a case of media gapers' block--everything slowed down to get a look at the political train wreck that is Donald Trump. Right out of the gate, it was moderator Megyn Kelly asking Trump how presidential it was for him to refer to women as "fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. If anyone was surprised that Kelly--best known for her comments, on her Fox News show The Kelly Files , criticizing the idea of depicting Jesus or Santa as Black --was taking on sexism in the Republican Party, no one was surprised by Trump's... "I've been nice to you," Trump told Kelly, "but I could be not nice considering the way you've treated me. ". It went on from there, hitting all the hot topics that rile up the Republican right--"illegals," the "war on terror" and. Source: socialistworker.org