Maritime Aquarium seal featured in Samsung commercial (video) -

Sigworth said Samsung approached the Aquarium after discovering that Orange and her fellow harbor seals have attempted to predict Super Bowl winners and decided to feature her prediction powers in a commercial. "Samsung was researching things that make predictions and they stumbled on our seals," Sigworth said. The commercial is one of a series of commercials with the theme "Predicting the Next. In the 2:46 commercial, Orange is described as a seal "with a very special gift of predicting the future" and shows her swimming in her tank at the Aquarium. Filmed at the Aquarium on March 4, the commercial was released on March 20, which Sigworth said will mainly be aired in Sweden. Orange, who was born in 1982, was found stranded as a pup off the New England coast and was rehabilitated at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland where she lived until moving to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago in 1991. Orange arrived at the... Too bad that didn't make it in. ". Aside from Orange's commercial debut, Sigworth said the Aquarium's sea turtles were filmed for a Maui Jim commercial in 2014. "It does happen that people want to use our. Source: