SLED launches inquiry: Police say Dorchester coroner drew gun on neighbor ... - Charleston Post Courier

Dorchester County Coroner Chris Nisbet drew his pistol early Tuesday on a neighbor he said was pointing a gun at a repo man and “reluctantly” dropped his sidearm when police arrived and trained their weapons on him, according to incident reports. The early morning confrontation took place after Nisbet drank a few beers on his porch, he said, and chased down his neighbor in his county SUV. One officer smelled alcohol on the coroner, who was handcuffed while officers tried to sort out conflicting accounts. Jon Rogers, a Summerville Police Department spokesman, said there were no charges “at this time. The police instead contacted the State Law Enforcement Division, which opened an initial inquiry to determine whether an investigation was needed, SLED spokesman Thom Berry said. Nisbet later wrote in a Facebook post that a truck owned by his neighbor, Leroy Fulton, was repossessed. In explaining his actions, he wrote, “Thugs will be thugs but not in front of me. ”. In an interview, he said accusations of racism that Fulton leveled against him were “ridiculous. “That poor guy had a gun drawn on him, and I did what I had to do,” he said of the repo man. Fulton, 37, denied pulling a pistol on the repo man and said during an interview that he wanted to press charges against Nisbet. “He was yelling racial slurs and pointing a gun at me,’” Fulton said. Source: