Social-Media Murderer Waited for the Perfect Shot - Daily Beast

The video suggests Vester Lee Flanagan was holding his cellphone in his upraised left hand as he approached where Alison Parker and Adam Ward of WDBJ-TV were interviewing a woman from the local chamber of commerce early Wednesday morning. Neither Parker nor Ward gave any sign of being aware of Flanagan’s presence as his right hand raised the gun into the view of his phone camera. The hand holding the pistol was steady with deadly intent, as was the hand holding the phone. There was not a tremor during a long moment when Flanagan just pointed the gun at Parker. The other video, the live footage being filmed simultaneously by Ward, would show that the cameraman had panned away to offer the live audience a bit of the gorgeous view from this deck overlooking Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia. Flanagan must have been waiting for Ward to swing his camera back to Parker. Only then, when Parker was being recorded by both the cellphone and the TV camera, just when an unhinged TV veteran would figure the footage promised to be the most sensational possible, did Flanagan start firing. The hand holding the cellphone remained eerily steady as Parker turned to flee and screamed. Source: