Fire district tables Golf Manor merger -

Little Miami Joint Fire & Rescue District trustees have tabled a proposal to merge with the Golf Manor Fire Department, but Golf Manor says the merger is an idea worth resurrecting. Trustees tabled the merger proposal amid opposition from Newtown, which announced plans to leave the joint fire district, and as contract negotiations are underway between Golf Manor and Columbia Township. “We have been taking a close look and making a hard analysis of this opportunity as smaller urban communities, like Golf Manor, are having financial difficulties sustaining revenue and maintaining service levels due to cuts in local government... Newtown doesn’t believe the merger would be the best value for its residents, partly because it believes the additional tax money generated by the merger would not cover Little Miami Joint Fire & Rescue District’s costs to welcome the Golf Manor... 3 vote by Newtown residents to assess themselves a 12. 05-mill fire and emergency-medical-services levy for Newtown’s use alone. That is the same millage charged all communities in the Little Miami Joint Fire & Rescue District, which includes Fairfax and the eastern half of Columbia Township in addition to Newtown. Source: