Goodbye PT Cruiser: Once a rental car staple, Cruisers exit the lot -

One of the weirdest cars of the 21st century might be the Chrysler PT Cruiser. "It was a novelty car, and like all novelty items the enthusiasm faded," says Keenan Mayo, associate editor at Bloomberg Businessweek, who wrote an obituary of sorts for the Cruiser. Then, in 2010, Chrysler discontinued the PT Cruiser line altogether. Often a punch line, PT Cruisers had quite a run. Over the course of 10 years, Chrysler sold 1. 4 million Cruisers, reaching a peak in 2008-2009, according to Mayo, who was issued a PT Cruiser rental back in 2008. . "It was very under-powered as a car, it had this weak four cylinder engine. What's the first word that comes to mind when you think of a PT Cruiser. Source: