Chrysler Dodge Ram Steering: Guts, Glory…Recall -

Washington, DC: Competition in the automotive industry, and specifically in the truck and utility sector, is typified by the relationship a man has with his truck. His pickup truck, specifically. And while women drive pickups too and demonstrate just as much brand loyalty, at the end of the day the manufacturers of uber-tough trucks market to men, and the testosterone that pulsates through their every fiber. Thus, it has proven to be a bit of a shock to learn that their sacred shrines on wheels have been the subject of Chrysler Dodge Ram Recalls. Specifically, defective steering-system tie rods that can cause the steering to wobble and shimmy while in operation. In this case, plaintiffs in a proposed class-action lawsuit allege a uniform design defect involving the driver’s-side tie rod ball stud that is alleged to be defective and too weak to withstand normal use, with the capacity to fracture and fail... The anger and disappointment amongst Dodge Ram owners (and potential class members) is that the revered Dodge Ram is advertised as a vehicle appropriate for service beyond normal. Chrysler has succeeded in correlating toughness and Dodge Ram as one and the same. Source: