19 Most Fuel Efficient Cars, Trucks and SUVs to Hit the Road in 2015 - TheStreet.com

NEW YORK ( TheStreet ) - Gas prices are heading lower but that doesn't mean you should ignore fuel efficiency when buying a new car. No matter what kind of vehicle you're looking for -- car, SUV, pickup truck, station wagon, to name a few -- there's a best-of-breed fuel-efficient one for you. The 2015 fuel economy guide by the U. S. Environmental Agency and the U. S. Department of Energy rates the gas mileage of most vehicles in the U. S. and we highlighted which ones in each class do best. Below are the cars and trucks with the highest fuel efficiency for 15 vehicle categories from two-seater cars to minivans. Some diesel vehicles were included in the list. Must Read: 18 Awesome 4-Wheel Drive Vehicles That Give You the Worst Gas Mileage. Source: www.thestreet.com